martes, 21 de febrero de 2023


Tuesday 21st February 2023

We correct homework first.

Answer Key AB page 62

Today we are going to work in Activity Book page 63.

First we do activities 1 and 2 orally in class.

Then we listen and check the answer to activity 2.


We listen again and do activity 3.

We correct.

Answer Key AB page 63

Then we do activity 4.

In pairs, we share what we have written with a classmate.

Next we start getting ready for our writing task we need to finish on Thursday.

These videos can help you create your own personal account or personal narrative. We watch a little bit of each one. Please watch the rest at home.

There are 5 steps.

First Step: First Brainstorm ideas

Second Step. Prewriting: Make a plan

Third Step: Writing an Introduction

Fourth Step. Writing a draft

Fifth Step. Writing a closing sentence or conclusion


Watch all the videos in order

Make sure you've done Interactive Worksheets 23, 24, 25, and 26

Think of a personal experience you may want to write about (Thursday)

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