miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023


Wednesday 22nd February 2023

First we take some minutes reading  pages 88 and 89  carefully and then we take a QUIZ. Listen and write the missing word.

We correct homework .

We make sure we understand the difference between the rights and responsibilities established in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, as well as the basic vocabulary related to elections.

Next we go to pages 90 and 91 to learn about the separation of powers.

We make sure we understand the difference between these powers. We read both pages carefully before doing activities 1, 2,  and 3 in the notebook.

HOMEWORK (For Tuesday 28th)

Finish activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 pages 90, 91.
Activity 4  MINISTERS

AUDIO activity 3 page 91 

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