jueves, 16 de marzo de 2023


Thursday 16th March 2023

We study pages  76 and 77 for some minutes. Then we close the book and take a QUIZ. Copy numbers 1 to 5 then write the answers

QUIZ 6 page 77

 Next we correct homework.

Copy and fill in the CONCEPT MAP of the unit you can find on page 82. 

We use the rest of the time to do activities 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from Let's revise section (pages 80 and 81).

Study the glossary words an page 83. 

A former student from last year  prepared this document with the main contents of the unit and interesting illustrations.


Finish activities 1,4,5,6,7, and 8 Let's Revise (pages 80, 81)

Study all the chapters  for the Plickers (Tuesday) and test (Wednesday)

Make sure you have done Interactive Worksheets 28-34

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