martes, 7 de febrero de 2023


Tuesday 7th February 2023

We  use four minutes to read pages 16 and 17 before taking a Quiz. Numbers 1 to 5.  Write True or False.

Then, we correct homework.

Then you are going to copy the concept map of the unit (page 22). 

We do activities 1, 5, 8 and 9 pages 20, 21 (Let's Revise).


Make sure all the pictures are done, glued and labelled in your notebooks.

Do activities 1, 5, 8 and 9 pages 20 and 21.

Copy and complete the concept map from page 22 in your notebook. 

STUDY FOR PLICKERS TEST Friday 10th) and Unit test Monday 13th

Do Interactive worksheets 27 (Liveworksheets

REMEMBER YOU NEED TO HAVE DONE 17 to 27 for this unit 

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