lunes, 13 de febrero de 2023


Monday 13th February 2023

We  hand out the irregular verbs test corrected. Glue them to your notebooks and make sure you check corrections. 

Then we correct homework from Friday:

Then we open our CB at page 68. Today we have a Grammar Lesson on Reflexive Pronouns.

We watch this video first:

Then we look at the story on pages 66 and 67 and try to find examples of reflexive pronouns.
We watch and listen to this song:

We have a look at the table on page 68 (Activity 2). We read the examples and  answer the questions.

Copy the table in your notebook.

Do activities 3 and 4 in your notebook.



Finish activities 3 and 4 in the notebook
Do AB page 125 act. 1 and 2
Do interactive worksheets 25 and 26. Make sure you've done 23 and 24 too.
We will do AB page 60 in class tomorrow

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