lunes, 30 de enero de 2023


Monday 30th January 2023

Today we  celebrate School Day of Non-violence and Peace.

School Day of Non-violence and Peace 2023
January 30, 2023 in the World
School Day of Non-violence and Peace takes place on January 30, 2023. The School Day of Non-violence and Peace, is an observance founded by the Spanish poet Llorenç Vidal Vidal in Majorca in 1964 as a starting point and support for a pacifying and non-violent education of a permanent character. Different as the first proposed by the UNESCO "Armistice Day" in 1948, the "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" is observed on January 30 or thereabouts every year, on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi, in schools all over the world. In countries with a Southern Hemisphere school calendar, it can be observed on 30 March. Its basic and permanent message is: "Universal love, non-violence and peace. Universal love is better than egoism, non-violence is better than violence, and peace is better than war". 

We correct homework first.

Answer Key AB pages 54, 55

To think about peace we can  start by reading this text 

poster peace in the nations

Next we listen to this popular song by John Lennon:

Here we can see a new version created by the United Nations.

We hand out some copies and work on them.

You can download the activities here if you are not in class today.

Do activity 3 Class Book page 61.
You can write the answer with a pencil on your book.

Create a nice cover page for Unit 5 including these Objectives

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